Railroad Accidents in New York
Firm founder Joseph P. Altier was known as the Dean of FELA. He passed his considerable NY railroad accident expertise to other Law Office of Philip P. Vogt, PLLC (formerly Altier & Vogt LLC) attorneys who continue his quest for justice for injured New York railroad workers.
We have succeeded in cases other attorneys have abandoned

Our attorneys are knowledgeable in the workings of railroad companies, their contracts, and medical and pension benefits. We invest the necessary resources and vigorously protect the rights of every employee injured in a railroad accident in NY.
We represent all injured railroad workers, from trackmen to conductors, in all types of accidents. We also represent passengers, bystanders, and motor vehicle drivers who are injured due to:
We focus on FELA claims

Workers injured in NY railroad frequently fail to fully collect on their claims because railroad claim agents inform them they can collect only a percentage of lost time or wages. In fact, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) was passed back in 1908, allowing injured workers to sue for full compensation.
When employees of an interstate railroad are injured or killed at work, those employees or their survivors are protected by FELA. Under this Act, an injured railroad worker is entitled to recover not only the time or wages lost, but to be paid all expenses for medical treatment, pain and suffering, and any permanent injury, whether partial or total.
Our attorneys have many years of experience investigating, negotiating, and trying railroad cases. Do not risk your benefits and your job by negotiating on your own with a rail carrier’s claim department. Your employer is represented by a team of aggressive, knowledgeable attorneys. Shouldn’t you be, too?
We provide strong support for victims of railroad crossing accidents in NY

All too often, someone is injured or killed in a NY railroad crossing accident. Whether they mistakenly assumed they were visible to the conductor, or if a crossing barrier malfunctioned, the railroad company is often liable for the incident. The circumstances behind a railroad crossing accident in NY are often difficult to prove. But, our in-depth understanding of the railroad industry provides us the ability to uncover the details that protect the rights of NY RR crossing accident victims and their families. If you or a loved one were injured or killed as a result of a RR crossing accident in NY, the experienced attorneys at Altier & Vogt LLC have the knowledge and resources to gain the compensation you deserve.
We are not afraid of a hard fight

We have been successful in the U.S. Supreme Court in upholding a jury verdict in favor of an injured LIRR worker. We have also successfully argued many cases before the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to ensure that our clients get the compensation they deserve.
In one of multiple examples we have seen, an Amtrak machinist who was injured on the job negotiated for three years with the claims department without the help of an attorney. At one point, the claim representative offered $60,000 to settle his claim. Before the employee could accept this offer, the three-year time limit for filing a lawsuit (statute of limitations) had expired, and the offer was withdrawn.
One week later, the machinist hired the Law Office of Philip P. Vogt, PLLC, which immediately filed suit. Even though we knew that the railroad would assert the defense that the statute of limitations had expired, we argued that the machinist had been misled and taken advantage of by the claims representative. Altier & Vogt LLC settled the machinist’s case for more than he had been offered. But we would have been able to get much more money had we not faced the statute of limitations problem.
To ensure your rights are protected, it is vital to contact us, your local New York City FELA firm, as soon as possible after an injury. The same law that gives you the right to sue your employer also protects you from any harassment, discipline, or discrimination because you hire an attorney to properly prosecute your case.
We can make a difference
We fully understand personal injury and negligence laws and how best to apply them to the facts of each case.
From our office across from Penn Station, our NY accident injury attorneys represent accident victims, including railroad workers and firefighters, throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Staten Island, and Long Island.
Contact an injury lawyer for an honest evaluation of your case. Your initial consultation is free, and you pay no legal fees unless we recover on your behalf.
Trustworthy. Competent. Experienced.